By screamin seth w phd. What is the best fuzz pedal in detail germanium vs silicon description. Die Suche Nach Der Besten Diode Page 14 The Radioboard Datasheet Diode Inkl Kennlinie Electrical Engineering Books Eingangs kennlinie steuer kennlinie ausgangs kennlinie vierquadranten darstellung statische kennwerte dynamische kennwerte verlustleistungs hyperbel. Germanium transistor kennlinie . Undoubtedly transistor design techniques will be improved and most transistor components are already capable of giving better sound than most tube components particularly in the very low power 10 watts and less class where transistors simply run rings around their typically miserable quality tube competition. Many audiophiles told me that germanium sounds better than silicium and this is the reason they prefer vintage. The development of the germanium transistor in 1948 o...